Free E-mail Services
From Russia
Below you will find a list of Russian e-mail services. I have included a basic description of their abilities, such as their domain names and their storage capacity.
( Storage capacity: 2 MB Attachments: Max. 4 files - no files may exceed 500 KB. Comment: is a very average mail service. Not too fast, not too slow. Fairly stabile, I have experienced a couple of try-again-later's. No auto-signatures. Mail can be checked externally by means of POP3.
( Storage capacity: 2 MB Attachments: Max. 4 files - no files may exceed 500 KB. Comment: is a very average mail service, but it is very fast. It is very useful if you do not ha a need for large file transfers or a large storage space. Very stabile. No auto-signatures. Mail can be checked externally by means of POP3.
(,,,,,, Storage capacity: 5 MB Attachments: Max. 3 files - total may not exceed 512 KB Comment: Very useful if you receive a lot of letters and larger files, for instance with mailing/discussion groups, but do not need to send files, since the max attachment size is ludicrous. Some times exhibits eccentric behaviour. Has small & neutral auto-signature. Still, I tend to think that the domain names are cool.. Mail can be checked externally by means of POP3.
NewMail (Новая
(,,, Storage capacity: 32 MB!! Attachments: Max 5 files - none over 1.5 MB. Also, no incoming letter over 3 MB. Comment: This page is an interesting experiment. If you are merely looking for a fast and reliable mail server and e-mail service, forget it. It moves like an elephant. However, it doubles as a file transfer/storage system. the mentioned 32 MBs can be utilised any way you wish, you choose whether you want to keep the space for heavy e-mails or as a base for your homepage files, music, movie files, documents or pictures. Also, you can register with their services to get a domain name for your homepage.As I mentioned from the beginning, it is a very messy postal service, especially since they like to display everything at once, making the file/e-mail display a strange mix of FTP & an ordinary e-mail service. External access (POP) services not available. In the words of theWebMaster: Доступ по POP при NightMail'е закрыт. И открываться не будет.
(,,,,, Storage capacity: 20 MB Attachment: Total size of all attachments 10 MB, total size of entire letter with att. 15 MB. Comment: A lovely mail service, especially if you love nuking your friends' InBoxes with large attachments. This is an attachment lover's wettest dream. Otherwise, business as usual, nice speed on this one too, considering all the attachment jockeying that must be going on. Besides, I personally thought that the part was very clever. There is another variant of this one ,, which you for some reason cannot access from the page. Same deal, just with Some might like that, too. Mail can be accessed externally through POP3 and IMAP. |